
In this whimsical, animated film, a lone unicorn seeks out others like herself through a mystical land of talking cats and spellbinding magicians. Based on the book by Peter S. Beagle, this story has enamoured the hearts of fans - young and old from around the globe. In her search for other unicorns, the last unicorn encounters a cast of delightful characters as well as dangers she never imagined. Throughout the fantastic adventure, she learns of friendship, love and most importantly, her true self. (Via Vision Entertainment)


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English The deepest magic of atmosphere and nostalgia and an almost perfect example of ambiguous ending. The story also transcends the boundaries of both fantasy and children's fairy tales and presents a devilish demon, a bitter king, and the path of the last unicorn towards their own destiny. With a beautiful musical backdrop, you can get lost in this timeless odyssey right from the first note. ()

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