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Reviews (2,830)


Mayhem (2017) 

English There aren't many expected horror movies left before the end of the year, I'm not even sure if we'll get anything interesting yet, but Mayhem is definitely worth a look, although I expected more based on the trailer. Mayhem certainly doesn't escape comparison with the recent The Belko Experiment. We're slowly building a new subgenre of office rat, but as with The Belko Experiment, Mayhem falls short of the promised carnage potential – with 300 employees, the lack of gore is unforgivable. The film also has a rather slower pace and is very talky, and though there is some witty and intelligent dialogue at the same time (which perhaps explains the 80% on the Rotten Tomatoes), I wasn't overwhelmed by immense fun and excitement. I loved the seductive Samara Weaving, last seen in the sexy The Babysitter (could she be a new horror star?), the interesting and well chosen main characters (the likeable protagonist, the tough boss and his bodyguard). The action is decently filmed, dynamic and the fights are pretty badass, but it’s all sorely lacking a scene I'd like to watch again or something that would downright knock me on my ass. The entertainment is decent though and you won't find many films like this, but there's no reason to get too excited here, even though there should be. 65%


Special Forces (2011) 

English A decent war film with Taliban starring a likeable Diane Kruger and the cool Djimon Hounsou. France has shown it can handle this genre too and it's not too different from an American production. There's quite a lot of shooting, but it bothered me that the film isn't R-rated and the shootouts aren't that exciting. But the second half switches more into survival and that also decided the final four stars. 70%


The Fountain (2006) 

English Compared to Mother!, I didn't like The Fountain that much, but it is still an interesting and unconventional film that intrigues, but doesn't really blow your balls off. A great Hugh Jackman and a beautiful Rachel Weisz, biblical references, great scenes with the Mayas, nice imagery and decent art, but I found it a bit drawn out even at 90 minutes. It's not my genre, so a neutral three stars radiates rather satisfaction. 65%


Gunpowder (2017) (series) 

English A decent historical three-part piece with John Snow in the lead role, swinging his sword again and it fits him perfectly. 17th century England, the persecution of Catholics including brutal executions and torture and the planned assassination of King James I. A great dose of history, dark atmosphere, violence and good performances. Good enough, I want to see more! 80%


Birth of the Dragon (2016) 

English I liked the trailer quite a bit, the foreign reviews were pretty discouraging and now I know why. The film has a lot of stupid dialogues, to the point where I felt ashamed at times, the acting is terrible, especially Philip Ng, who plays Bruce Lee as arrogant, almost sleazy and unlikeable (he was excellent in Once Upon a Time in Shanghai), and the fights don't stand out much either. The choreography is varied and interesting, but I found them very non-contact, lacking in grit and certainly not exciting. Those familiar with films like this can ignore it, the rest might not be offended. 45%


Good Time (2017) 

English The weirdest movie this year, where the five stars around here are a mystery to me. The film has very off-putting to the point of being cheesy visuals, I found the ubiquitous Robert Pattinson very unlikeable to the point of being sleazy, I didn't find the story interesting at all and although the script is unpredictable it is far from intelligent. I considered turning it off halfway through, but eventually finished the film with difficulty. It didn't sit well with me. The kind of film where nothing of substance happens at all whether it's a twist, action or violence, everything is absent. 40%.


Samba (2014) 

English The first major disappointment from the duo of Omar Sy and Eric Toledano (The Intouchables). While the film nicely depicts the fact that immigrants have it tough in France and Omar Sy can be as good as he wants, no one has mercy without papers. There is very little humour, but there is no boredom. If you're in the mood for a topical social drama that's well acted and filmed, it's fine to watch. 65%.


Carnage (2011) 

English A decent short conversational film with excellent actors and a stifling atmosphere that will make couples laugh. It could have been funnier, but it didn't offend. Christoph Waltz excels again. 65%.


24 Hours to Live (2017) 

English This was really good. Ethan Hawke has one of the most interesting roles of his career, and I wouldn't have thought he'd fit into an action movie role so nicely. The film has an original plot, very good pacing, R-rated action, though there aren’t any big fights, the shootouts are perfect, suspenseful, well shot and there are plenty of them. For me, great adrenaline fun. Similar B-movies could come out more often. 80%.


Stranger Things - Season 2 (2017) (season) 

English It's rare that a second season has the exact same ratings as the first, and at 91%, that's saying a hell of a lot. It's good to see all the likeable child characters together again, and this time around, young redhead Max rounds out the bunch and undoubtedly deserves a spot here. The new characters (the new girl who has supernatural powers, Max's brother who was a real asshole, and Bob's new friend Joyce) are definitely nice, but what I wasn't too happy about Eleven, who is sidelined for more than half of the season, and that's a mistake, as she is the driving force of the show, but the last two episodes thankfully make up for it. The series is more action and horror this time around, the Lovecraftian shadow monsters, little "lizards" and a lot of Will's outbursts are mysterious. Once again the series runs like water, there are scenes that give you goosebumps and the retro atmosphere is again impeccable. I enjoyed the adventure with the kids again, but it didn't hit me emotionally like it did a year ago. 85%