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Reviews (335)


Greyhound (2020) 

English It didn’t turn out to be such a terrible B-movie as the trailer made it seem at first. However, although it has a great pace from start to finish, you can't shake the feeling that its biggest advantage is, ironically, that it’s over in 90 minutes. A likable movie, nevertheless, full of pathos and often bordering on being unintentionally hilarious.


Little Women (2019) 

English There have been many major films in the current Hollywood trend of girl-power films, but not even hits like Captain Marvel or Wonder Woman can compare with Little Women, not to mention one of the most cringeworthy moments in movie history - the infamous "all girl scene" in Avengers: Endgame. All it took here was a good story, confident direction and exquisite cast, dominated by Florence Pugh, the result being an excellent film. Although I must admit that, especially from the beginning, the interweaving of timelines seemed incredibly chaotic, but it worked out well in the end.


The Two Popes (2019) 

English The advantage of this film is that even if no one is particularly interested in the subject, there is a pretty good chance that everyone will enjoy it. Why? Because Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce could very well be explaining how to peel potatoes and their rendition would still make it an acting tour de force. Their Oscar nominations rank among the most well-deserved ones. The sentence that comes to mind, "it didn’t happen but could have," rings true in every scene. This film almost felt too short, which has not happened to me in quite some time and I consider it to be the biggest surprise of 2019.


Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) 

English Definitive proof that the Terminator brand is dead. If this were some no-name movie instead of a direct sequel to Terminator 2, I wouldn’t say squat and give this a high rating. But no. This constant going back in time and rescuing the leaders of the Resistance is getting tedious, repetitive, and borderline ridiculous. There are no interesting characters or plot. Some might get offended, but sorry, Linda Hamilton just can't act (when I look at her work over the last 30 years, it's trash next to more trash). The whole plot about destroying Skynet and replacing it with Legion is as moronic as replacing Snoke with Palpatine in the last Star Wars movie. And most importantly, despite the absurdly high budget, the result is yet another soulless CGI, which, especially in direct comparison with Terminator 2 from 30 years ago, does not even come close. I can understand the favorable reception, but I just consider it to be a sign that expectations were so low after the pathetic promotion that even a few good scenes and jokes were enough to keep this from becoming an epic fail.


Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019) 

English Simply vacuous. Even in hindsight, I can't believe how bad Episode IX is. An uninspired and unimaginative movie with insanely confusing battles, bizarre dialogues, boring fights and, most importantly, a completely pointless story. It truly goes to show how Disney still have no idea what story they want to tell in the new trilogy. I struggle to find a single character whose fate would significantly matter to me. The fear of coming up with something new or doing something that would go against the viewers' expectations is painfully obvious here. There is not a single memorable moment. Nothing. The plot twists are far-fetched. It never occurred to me that the biggest saga the cinema had ever seen would end with such a sloppily narrated episode.


The King (2019) 

English The King makes you acutely aware of how extremely mentally demanding the role of the ruler must have been in the Middle Ages. Paranoia, loneliness, responsibility, deciding between bad choices and worse ones, intrigue. It's all here, plus, you get a properly messy and brutal battle as a bonus. No vulnerable spot in the armor where the enemy could be stabbed is missed and when there are no swords or knives at hand, the rival simply gets beaten to death in a fist fight. By the way, in addition to the great visuals, it is necessary to highlight Chalamet’s performance, which is excellent here and takes the movie to a whole new level.


Sex Education (2019) (series) 

English For those who revel in awkward situations, this is an ideal series to watch with your whole family. However, it is difficult to evaluate, as the whole story and humor are so far-fetched and often have little to do with the real world. You get used to it over time, though, and it gradually turns into a slightly more serious story about unrequited (or misunderstood) love. Nevertheless, the number of bizarre situations remains the same. Finally, I have to appreciate the perfect casting and I wonder if the seventies Britain vibe was intentional or if time had definitely stopped on that island.


The Lion King (2019) 

English Symbol of pointlessness. Yes, the new Lion King made such a killing in the theaters that it now ranks among the top 10 highest-grossing movies of all time. Yes, for the youngest generation who would probably never watch the original, this means access to one of the best Disney movies ever. Yes, visually there is absolutely nothing to complain about. However, despite all this, the whole movie feels empty, with a minimum of emotion, and despite its all-star cast, it is not as funny as the original. Not to mention that the soundtrack with all its changes and new additions does not even come close to the original. I understand Disney's obsession with remakes, because it's a safe bet financially and why would they change something that works, but even Favreau and Nathanson must have felt ashamed for raking in all that cash for this 99% replica.


Women on the Run (2019) 

English The movie is as straightforward as an Australian highway, there is not a single surprising moment and yes, you could have a million issues with it. However, the truth is that it is a feel-good film with impeccable acting performances (Ondřej Vetchý has pretty much become a safe bet for this genre) and I’m not going to lie, I had to factor its incredible success in the theaters into my rating, because attracting 1.3 million viewers is a big-time achievement these days. When I think of all the Czech crazy comedy hell which usually comes out in the theaters, thank God for Women on the Run. Of course, there are some cringeworthy scenes here and there, but I can honestly say that it was fun to watch most of the time. On a final note, I have been waiting for a long time for someone to use “Když nemůžeš, tak přidej” (“When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going”) one of the recent Czech hits in the soundtrack and it was spot on in this movie.


Premiér (2019) (series) Boo!

English An indebted, mentally ill and clearly high owner of a TV channel, exhibiting himself in some seriously unfunny shit the likes of which the world had never seen before. Twenty minutes of pure embarrassment, misery and incompetence in every respect.