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GoldbeaterWuthering Heights(1939) 

William Wyler aims to win the hearts of his audience. There is a mysterious introduction featuring a stranger who breaks through a snowstorm and seeks refuge at Wuthering Heights, where he then witnesses something… (more)

D.MooreThe Story of G.I. Joe(1945) 

A truly unknown, but nevertheless excellent war film. It's not about battles (not that they aren't there) or who is fighting against whom, but simply about people. Burgess Meredith acts well, but his Ernie Pyle is just… (more)

gudaulinThings to Come(1936) 

A sci-fi drama, well-made for its time, in which both the political situation of the 1930s, which threatened war and the widely spread pacifist sentiment and technological optimism of that time are fully reflected.… (more)

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