Kills on Wheels

  • Hungary Tiszta szívvel
Trailer 2


Zoli (Zoltán Fenyvesi) and Barba (Ádám Fekete) are inseparable friends and outcasts. Both physically disabled, they live in a rehabilitation facility where life seems rather aimless. Zoli needs life-saving surgery but doesn’t want his absent father to pay out of guilt and pity. Enter Rupasov (Szabolcs Thuróczy), a mysterious wheelchair-using man newly released from prison. He quickly adopts the two friends and offers them a chance to make some extra money by helping him in his work. That work, however, is murder. Rupasov is a hitman. Inspired by his own experiences working as a volunteer for disabled people, director Attila Till skilfully blends reality with fantasy as he offers a gentle probe into the lives of those who live on the edge of society. (Eureka Entertainment)


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