No Asylum: The Untold Chapter of Anne Frank's Story

  • Germany Kein Asyl: Anne Franks gescheiterte Rettung
USA / Germany / Switzerland / UK, 2016, 73 min (Alternative: 55 min)

Directed by:

Paula Fouce


Jordan Cushing, Garrett Shannon


Luciano Storti


Katie Otter
(more professions)


The stunning discovery of the lost letters of Anne Frank's father, Otto reveal an unknown chapter of their family's life. The Frank family's struggle to obtain visas to safety during World War II as the world turned its' back on them, mirrors the desperation of refugees today fleeing countries such as Syria. Otto's trail of letters are wrenching, as door after door slams shut, eventually sealing the terrible fate of the Franks. Their family members, Buddy Elias and Eva Schloss relate the heart breaking tale. (Palm Beach International Film Festival)
