
Ten prisoners, sentenced to be banished for life from their native planet XT-59, set out on a dangerous journey across the Sargasso Swamp. The group immediately splinters off into two camps: Erwin and Christie are determined to seek out the Isles of Happiness, while Yust leads the others in the direction of the Rotten Shallows. For the time being, however, their missions lead them along the same route. By the end of their first day together, Erwin realizes he is destined to be killed: a man of great importance in his former life, he remains a threat to the new powers-that-be. He chooses Christie as his companion and immediately tries to get as far away
as possible from the rest of the group, hoping to remain safe from harm. Their search for the Isles of Happiness is wrought with countless obstacles, but the hope that they will finally find freedom and happiness survives. (Russian World Vision)



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Technocrat19 digital copy
majo25 digital copy
firoo Other
ceskoslo Blu-ray
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Al Pacino Other