
Solaris is a love story rich with emotion and mystery, set within a science fiction framework. The story, which takes place sometime in the future, opens as Dr. Chris Kelvin is asked to investigate the unexplained behaviour of a small group of scientists aboard the space station Prometheus, who have cut off all communication with Earth. Elvin undertakes the journey after watching a communiqu from his close friend Gibarian, the missions commander, who seeks Kelvins help abroad the Prometheus for reasons Gibarian is unwilling or unable to explain. Keenly aware that his opinion will decide the fate of the orbital station, Kelvin is shocked by what he finds upon his arrival. Gibarian has committed suicide and the two remaining scientists are exhibiting signs of extreme stress and paranoia, seemingly caused by the results of their examination of the planet Solaris. Kelvin, too, becomes entrapped in the unique worlds mysteries. Solaris, somehow, presents him with a second chance at love to change the course of a past relationship that has caused him overwhelming guilt and remorse. But can he really revisit and alter the past? Or is he fated to repeat its mistakes? Solaris is a visually hypnotic, deep affecting story of conscience, love and reconciliation. (Shock Entertainment)



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