
The Revenant follows the story of legendary explorer Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) on his quest for survival and justice. After a brutal bear attack, Glass is left for dead by a treacherous member of his hunting team (Tom Hardy). Against extraordinary odds, and enduring unimaginable grief, Glass battles a relentless winter in uncharted terrain. This epic adventure captures the extraordinary power of the human spirit in an immersive and visceral experience unlike anything before. (20th Century Fox AU)



The Revenant

The Revenant

Label: Milan Records

Year: 2016

Country: USA

Format: CD

Length: 01:10:30

1. The Revenant Main Theme Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:41
2. Hawk Punished Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:14
3. Carrying Glass Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 03:07
4. First Dream Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 03:05
5. Killing Hawk Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 03:48
6. Discovering River Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 01:11
7. Goodbye To Hawk Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 03:41
8. Discovering Buffalo Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:43
9. Hell Ensemble Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:38
10. Glass And Buffalo Warrior Travel Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 01:51
11. Arriving At Fort Kiowa Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 01:21
12. Church Dream Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:38
13. Powaqa Rescue Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 05:35
14. Imagining Buffalo Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:39
15. The Revenant Theme 2 Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 01:54
16. Second Dream Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 01:13
17. Out Of Horse Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 03:57
18. Looking For Glass Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:51
19. Cat & Mouse Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 05:42
20. The Revenant Main Theme Atmospheric Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:50
21. Final Fight Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 06:35
22. The End Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 02:16
23. The Revenant Theme (Alva Noto Remodel) Ryūichi Sakamoto, Carsten Nicolai 04:00