
A gritty sci-fi, crime procedural in the vein of The Hidden and District 9, Alien Nation is a tense tale of urban life in Los Angeles circa 1991. Here extraterrestrial humanoid beings co-exist with humans in their day-to-day life, due to their spaceship crash landing some three years earlier. Stranded on Earth, the alien 'Newcomers' are subject to the same rules and laws as their fellow humans. But life is seldom harmonious, as the species division is often one of brooding resentment and bitterness, where segregated slums populate the city. The partnership between police detective Matthew Sykes (James Caan) and his humanoid colleague Sam Francisco (Mandy Patinkin) is pushed to the limit as the pair investigate a slum drug ring led by the nefarious William Harcourt (Terence Stamp). Challenged to overcome their prejudices to get the job done, the two cops must break down all the barriers in order to bust the case wide open. (Umbrella Entertainment)



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