Simon Duggan

Simon Duggan

Born 13/05/1959 (65 years old)
Wellington, New Zealand


Simon Duggan hails from Wellington, New Zealand, and is one of the world's premiere cinematographers. A member of both the SOC and the ACS, he has won numerous awards for his work, including the ACS Golden Tripod Award, ACS Gold Award, the Australian Film Institute's Award for Best Achievement in Cinematography, and the Film Critics Circle of Australia's Best Cinematography Award.

Duggan began his career at Ross Wood Film Studios in Sydney, Australia working in commercials with directors such as Alex Proyas, David Denneen, James Holt, Kinka Usher and Bruce Hunt. He now shoots international campaigns with award-winning directors like Noam Murro, Tim Godsall, and Steve Rogers.

He started working in features in Sydney before coming to the United States, and has since worked on such films as "Live Free or Die Hard" and "Underworld: Evolution," with Len Wiseman; "The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor," with Rob Cohen; "Killer Elite," with Gary McKendry; and "Knowing," "I, Robot" and the indie "Garage Days," all with Proyas.

Warner Bros.



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